Group types are generally based on the assigned member roles and the level of responsibility for certification compliance, as set out in the group rules, signed and agreed by the group member. At the time of the DAFM pilot project, two models of certification groups were identified:

Type I: Groups with shared responsibility for FM Certification compliance

In this type of group there are shared responsibilities between the group members and the group manager. The group manager would typically be responsible for compliance with the group certification standard, in terms of the management of the group, internal monitoring, communication with members, auditors, etc. Where members would be undertaking forest management operations, they would be responsible for compliance with the FM certification standard, through use of the Forest Management Templates and compliance with the group rules.

The two participating KTGs in the DAFM Pilot Scheme set up Type I group schemes as part of the project.

Type II: Resource Managed Groups

In a resource managed group, the members do not undertake any forest management operations themselves. The 'Resource manager (RM)', who can also be the Group Manager, has overall responsibility for ensuring conformity with the FM certifications standard and the group certification standard. The RM would be reponsible for all forest operations in the Resource Management Unit (RMU), which in a Type II group can consist of the entire group. The homogeneous management of a resource managed group can reduce the need for internal monitoring.

Originally the above definitions of Type I and Type II referred to models for possible setups, but there were in reality more options in the way responsibilities could be shared within groups. These other possibilities were further defined in the new group certification standards that came into force since the end of the Pilot Project in 2018.

New Additional Group Types:

A combination of the above

The new Group Certification Standards (post 2018) allow for the original type of groups as outlined above, and also for a combination of these types. 
You could therefore have the following type of groups:

  • Only Forest Management Units with shared responsibility (formerly Type I)
  • Only Resource Managed Units under one Resource Manager (formerly Type II)
  • Forest Management Units with shared responsibility plus some Resource Managed Units under one Resource Manager
  • Several Resource Managed Units with different Resource Managers
  • Forest Management Units with shared responsibility plus several Resource Managed Units with different Resource Managers
  • Etc.

For further information on Group Management Standards, see FSC-STD-30-005V2-0 FM Groups Standard and Group Forest Management Certification, PEFC ST 1002

The inclusion of Contractors as Group Members (optional)

The FSC-STD-30-005V2-0 FM Groups Standard includes provisions for the optional inclusion of forestry contractors into the group scheme, under certain conditions. The Group Forest Management Certification, PEFC ST 1002 only potentially allows for this inclusion, where the condition “ability to implement the requirements of the sustainable forest management standard” has been met.