Harvesting machine

Forest certification standards set principles and criteria that are universally applicable and not negotiable. The standard documents consist of core 'Principles', under which a number of compliance Criteria are listed. Each national initiative adopts or adapts the Principles and Criteria (or Benchmarks) that are set out in the International Standards.  National standards may provide verifiers, detailing possible measures to deliver the Principles, Criteria, and Indicators or provide guidance to clarify the requirements of Indicators where necessary. These verifiers or guidance are however not considered 'normative elements' of the standards.

The following hierarchy describes the function of each level in the certification standards:

  • Principle - What is wanted
  • Criterion - What needs to happen
  • Indicator - What can be measured

Compliance with certification is at the level of the Management Unit (MU), regardless of the size of the MU. Some requirements indicate that they are 'proportionate to the scale, intensity and risk' and for some indicators specific alternative requirements are specified for Small or Low Intensity Managed Forests (SLIMF).

The Forest Management Manual (FMM) consists of documents and templates that were developed as part of the group certification project to assist owners in complying with certification principles.

Disclaimer: All templates and documents developed for this project were designed for use with the Irish certification standards valid at the time of the project. Since the completion of the project both National Standards have undergone revision. (See the Forest Certification section of this website) The templates featured in this Forest Management Manual (FMM) may therefore require updating to ensure compliance with changes that came into effect after this project was completed. No liability will be accepted by DAFM or the project partners for the supply or use of these templates and documents. Forest owners are advised to get independent advice in relation to forest management and forest certification.
A review and revision of templates and documents featured on this website is was undertaken with funding support from DAFM under the Woodland Support Projects 2021/2022 and under the Forestry Promotions Projects 2023/2024. Any new or revised documentation will be uploaded as soon as this becomes available and will contain a revision date in the document-footer. The above disclaimer includes any new or revised templates or documents developed under the Woodland Support Projects 2021/2022 and under the Forestry Promotions Projects 2023/2024.

Note: For ease of reference, the most recent individual templates are listed below under the general Principles employed in forest certification. The below layout and numbering of the templates may have changed since the original Pilot Project to follow the layout and numbering of Principles in the most recent forest certification standard.

Table of Contents Forest Management Manual pdf s
Glossary of Terms pdf s

1: Compliance with Laws

Tem.1.2 Legal Ownership/Third Party Rights pdf s
Tem.1.2 Legal Ownership/Third Party Rights word s

Tem.1.4a Illegal/Unauthorised Activity Policy  pdf s
Tem.1.4a Illegal/Unauthorised Activity Policy  word s
Tem.1.4b Record of Illegal/Unauthorised Activity pdf s
Tem.1.4b Record of Illegal/Unauthorised Activity word s

Tem.1.8 Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter pdf s
Tem.1.8 Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter word s
Tem.1.8a Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter (hunting) pdf s
Tem.1.8a Third Party Rights Granted Notification Letter (hunting) word s

2: Workers Rights and Employment Conditions

Tem.2.1 Statement of compliance with employment and business legislation pdf s
Tem.2.1 Statement of compliance with employment and business legislation word s

Tem.2.3a Emergency/Contingency Planning pdf s
Tem.2.3a Emergency/Contingency Planning word s
Tem.2.3b Lone Working Emergency Plan pdf s
Tem.2.3b Lone Working Emergency Plan word s
Tem.2.3c Accident and Incident Reporting Record pdf s
Tem.2.3c Accident and Incident Reporting Record word s

Tem.2.5a Training (Competency) and Insurance Record (Forestry Worker | Shooting & Game)pdf s
Tem.2.5a Training (Competency) and Insurance Record excel2 s
Tem.2.5b Operational Monitoring Checklist pdf s
Tem.2.5b Operational Monitoring Checklist word s

3: Indigenous Peoples' Rights [Not Applicable in Ireland]

4: Community Relations

        Tem.4.1 Stakeholder List  pdf s
        Tem.4.1 Stakeholder List excel2 s

5: Benefits from the Forest

Tem.5.3 Tree Sales Agreement (ITGA) - latest edition pdf s

Tem.5.5 Annual FMU Budget pdf s
Tem.5.5 Annual FMU Budget excel2 s

6: Environmental Values and Impacts

Tem.6.1 Environmental Impact Assessment pdf s 
Tem.6.1 Environmental Impact Assessment word s

7: Management Plan

The Forest Management Plan consists of two parts: the Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1a) and the Forest Inventory and Work Plan (Tem.7.1b). Both parts must be completed.

Tem.7.1a Forest Management Plan (FMP) pdf s
Tem.7.1a Forest Management Plan (FMP) word s
Tem.7.1b Forest Inventory and Work Plan pdf s
Tem.7.1b Forest Inventory and Work Plan excel2 s
Tem.7.1c Forest Management Plan (FMP) - Notes pdf s
Tem.7.1d Forest Management Plan (FMP) - Summary Plan pdf s
Tem.7.1d Forest Management Plan (FMP) - Summary Plan word s

8: Monitoring and Assessment

        Tem.8.1 Annual Monitoring Report  pdf s
        Tem.8.1 Annual Monitoring Report  word s

        Tem.8.2 Forestry Operations Contract  pdf s
        Tem.8.2 Forestry Operations Contract  word s

See also Part 4: Monitoring Plan Summary of the Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1.a pdf s)

9: High Conservation Values

See Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1.a pdf s) and FMP Notes (Tem.7.1c pdf s) containing a decision tree for identifying High Conservation Value Forests.

10: Implementation of Management Activities

Tem.10.7a Integrated Pest Management Strategy pdf s
Tem.10.7b Pesticide Use Record pdf s
Tem.10.7b Pesticide Use Record excel2 s

Tem.10.10 Work Planning Checklist pdf s
Tem.10.10 Work Planning Checklist word s

Tem.10.11 Harvesting Site Commencement Checklist pdf s
Tem.10.11 Harvesting Site Commencement Checklist word s

Tem.10.12 Waste Disposal Policy pdf s

All Management Activities should adhere to Principles 1-9 above. See Forest Management Plan (Tem.7.1.a pdf s)


For more information on forest certification standards, see www.fsc.org , www.pefc.org and www.pefc.ie